Wednesday 26 September 2007


Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue.

-Oscar Wilde

The object of this space is to provide, provoke and encourage critical commentaries. Hopefully, there will be plenty of non-partisan reviews and reflections on the current domestic and international political climate. Additionally, economic, social and cultural matters will receive the attention they undoubtedly command.

While including day-to-day news events is a priority, there will also be a strong emphasis towards careful, considered comment on major issues. Oftentimes, stories we regard as “sensational” or “spectacular” today end up lining the waste paper bins of tomorrow. We’ve heard this cliché a million times before, but it still rings true. Keeping this is mind; this forum will endeavour to offer objective analysis that can survive the test of time. Focuses may shift; attitudes may change- but as long as the commitment to decent and objective reporting remains the important bedrock, then this can act as a proper conduit for the airing of public issues.

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